Moderate Rehabilitation Program Administrative Plan

Chapter 14:Recertification

The BHA must conduct an annual recertification for the Family.

14.1 Appointment for Recertification

See section 10.1.1 of the HCVP Administrative Plan.

14.2 Determining Family's Appropriate Unit Size and Subsidy

At the appointment, BHA staff will verify the Family's anticipated income, verify any changes in Family Composition, determine whether the Unit is too small or too large, and establish the Family's subsidy in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Administrative Plan.

(a)           Change of Unit Size. The appropriate Unit Size will be determined and exceptions made as previously described. If the Family requires a smaller or larger Apartment, BHA staff will notify them in writing of the change in bedroom size, the conditions under which the BHA might allow an exception to the Subsidy Standards, and the right to an informal hearing to dispute the determination.

(b)           Unit Overcrowded or Underoccupied (Underhoused or Overhoused). If the BHA determines that the Family’s unit is not decent, safe, and sanitary by reason of an increase in Family size, or that the unit is larger than appropriate for the size of the Family, the BHA will not abate HAP payments. However, the Owner must offer the Family a suitable alternative unit should one become available and the Family will be required to move. If the Owner does not have a suitable available unit, the BHA shall assist the Family to move to another Mod Rehab unit within the BHA portfolio as soon as possible. Housing assistance payments under the Contract may be terminated if the Family rejects without Good Cause, the offer of a unit which the BHA judges to be acceptable. See 24 C.F.R. § 882.509.

If a Family notified by the BHA that they must find a smaller or larger apartment does not move, the BHA shall not terminate the subsidy until the BHA has identified an appropriate apartment for them. See 24 C.F.R. § 882.509.

14.2.1 Overcrowded SRO Units

If the BHA determines that anyone other than, or in addition to, the eligible individual is occupying an SRO Unit assisted under the Mod Rehab Program, the BHA will take all necessary action, as soon as reasonably feasible, to ensure that the Unit is occupied by only one eligible individual. See 24 C.F.R. § 882.808(j). A Mod Rehab Tenant residing in an SRO unit with more than one authorized Family member shall receive priority to transfer over another Mod Rehab Tenant who is underhoused. The BHA shall look first to transfer the Household within the Owner’s portfolio. If no units are available within the Owner’s portfolio, then the BHA shall look to other Moderate Rehabilitation units.

14.3 Additions to Family Composition

See section 10.1.3 of the HCVP Administration Plan, but refer to section 14.2 of this Administrative Plan in the case that a change to Family Composition will result in a Unit being severely overcrowded.

14.4 Removal of Members from Family Composition

See section 10.1.4 of the HCVP Administrative Plan.

14.5 Change the Head of Household / Co-Head of Household

See section 10.1.5 of the HCVP Administrative Plan.

14.6 Adjustment of Utility Allowances

The BHA will analyze Utility Allowances annually as discussed in section 9.6 of the HCVP Administrative Plan.

If an adjustment is to be made to the Utility Allowance schedules, then the BHA will determine the amounts of adjustments, if any, to be made in the amount of rent to be paid by affected Families and the amount of Housing Assistance Payments. The BHA will notify the Owners and Families accordingly. Any adjustment to the Utility Allowance will be implemented at the Family’s next annual recertification or at lease renewal, whichever is earlier. See 24 C.F.R. § 882.510.

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