Application Process
Boston Housing Authority (BHA) processes approximately 10,000 new applications every year and currently has more than 40,000 households on its waiting lists. Our housing is 98% occupied. Please see the graphs below for more information about how many households BHA housed in the last year.

We encourage all applicants who choose to proceed to also apply for affordable housing provided by other owners and to read the information on our website about priorities and preferences - for Public Housing and for Leased Housing - carefully.
BHA is not able to provide immediate housing, nor does it provide short-term or shelter housing. If you need shelter or emergency housing, please reach out to the Boston Emergency Shelter Commission or state Department of Transitional Assistance. If you do end up in shelter, this can qualify you for additional points (priority) on your application but does not mean that the BHA will be able to house you immediately or even in the near future.
For information about how to apply, click here.