Lenox and Camden


Developer: Beacon Communities LLC
Units: 357 units
Completion date for Camden: Summer 2020
Estimated start date for Lenox: Fall 2020

The Lenox Street public housing is a 285-unit federal development in Lower Roxbury.  Adjacent to Lenox is the Camden housing development, a 72-unit state-funded development.  In summer of 2015, BHA issued a Request for Proposal to rehab Lenox Street and Camden housing developments (Lenox/Camden) with the goals of upgrading the properties while avoiding displacement of current residents and preserving affordability for extremely low-income households.  Beacon Communities LLC (Beacon) was designated as the developer for Lenox/Camden.  Beacon proposes a plan to modernize the 357 units in Lenox/Camden with the goal of creating a successful, economically and environmentally stable rental community. 

Lenox Relocation Plan

The renovation work at Lenox will require temporary relocation for some Lenox households, while many households will move directly into a newly renovated unit.  Beacon has hired Housing Opportunities Unimited (HOU) to coordinate relocation servicies and to support residents throughout the renovation process. BHA and Beacon have prepared the Lenox Relocation Plan which establishes policies, procedures, rights and benefits of relocating Lenox residents.  We encourage Lenox households to review the plan and to submit written comments about the Relocation Plan to the BHA and/or the Bureau of Relocation at the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).  Any comments submitted to BHA will be forwarded to the Bureu of Relocation.  You can access the relocation plan here

You can email your comments to Carolyn Barry, or call 617-988-4128. 


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