Caps off Charlestown Grads
BHA residents graduate from Charlestown Adult Education program

Charlestown - The graduating students of Charlestown Adult Education program sure had a lot to smile about Friday, June 12 as they held their certificates proudly in front of friends, family, and faculty. Nine out 19 graduating students attended the ceremony, consuming tremendous admiration and respect for passing the Hiset (High school Equivalency) Exam.
“This girl is the most independent young woman I ever met, “proclaimed Lori D’Alleva, Director of Education. While holding a young woman beside her, she continued, “not only did she pass the exam, but she completed the program in a month!”
A multitude of cheers and applause from the audience took over the room, not just for Yvonne Skinner, who announced her plan to attend beauty school, but for others that revealed their plans to attend college. “After this, I plan on going to school for medicine,” said Geraldine Calderon.
Listed under resident services on the Boston Housing Authority website, The Charlestown Adult Education Program offers Hiset courses for adults as young as 16, who wish to complete their high school education. The Program also offers ESOL classes, which include individualized tutoring and computer skill classes. Preference is given to BHA residents of the Charlestown development and are welcome to visit the center located at 76 Monument Street in Boston.
After a segment where ESOL students delivered heartfelt statements and instructors thanked their helpful volunteers, Lori D’Alleva discussed her hope for the graduates’ futures. “I wish the best for them because this group is a hard working group. They really put their all [into their education]," said D'Alleva.
Another huge supporter, Betty Carrington, president of Charlestown Community Task Force was present at the event, giving love-filled hugs to each graduate. One student she hugged, Kassandra Guthrie, delivered words of encouragement after revealing hardship she endured outside the program.“Don’t ever let anyone tell you, you can’t do it, “she said. “Just believe in yourself.”
Finally the ceremony ended and people began to flock toward tables filled with food, but Kassandra’s strong words of encouragement spirited the room.

Betty Carrington aka "Big Mama" hugs Kassandra Guthrie
Click here to see photos from 2015 Charlestown Adult Education Graduation
| 6/22/2015 9:59:21 AM