Amory Street Resident Meeting
Notice of Meeting for State-Funded Four-Year Capital Plan

To : Local Tenant Organizations and Residents of State- Funded Housing
CC: All State Development Managers, ADPMs
From: Dana Dilworth, Senior Project Manager, Capital Construction
April 18, 2017
This memo is to notify LTO members and resident of a meeting to be held on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 6:00pm at the BHA’s Amory Street Development at 125 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain in the 1st. Floor Break Room. The purpose of this meeting is to explain the priorities and components of the BHA’s four-year capital spending plan for the state-funded properties.
Every year, as part of the BHA’s requirement to submit a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to DHCD for approval and funding, the BHA revises its rolling four-year plan for DHCD-funded capital improvements at the state elderly/disabled, family, and scattered site developments. This four-year CIP plan encompasses fiscal years FY 17 through FY 20.
| 4/20/2017 10:01:30 AM